Justin Floyd Tips to Make your Startup a Viral

Justin Floyd is the managing director of JCF Capital Advisors from past 15 years. Justin Floyd and the company he is working in works as expertise with high-quality investors connections in the capital market. In a recent interview on startup viral Justin Floyd gives tips on how to make your startup a viral. He says Make your costumer hear something soothing so they start humming it. A good jingle contains a hidden call for action, it has a hidden command for the costumer. It acts as an instruction for the customer to consider your product only.

Justin Floyd
Justin Floyd

A startup is a young company that is just a beginning to develop. They are usually small and initially financed and operated by a handful of founders or one individual. Justin Floyd says that your startup can be any like a restaurant, café, saloons or any kind of company. In early stages startup companies tend to exceed their revenues as they work on developing, testing and marketing their idea. There are no fixed parameters on what type of company can be considered a startup, but the term most frequently applies to high-tech companies creating products that leverage technology to offer something new or to perform an existing task in a novel way.

Giving tips on the funding of Startup Justin Floyd says that genesis for startups is often the founder’s concept for a product. It leads the development of the product and serves as the organization’s business leader. Justin further says that it can be funded by traditional small business loans from banks or by grants from nonprofit organizations and even from the government. You can take loans from your family or friends some might help you as a gift. These were the ways through which you can grant loan but how and why people will give? Justin Floyd says that you have to be very particular and clear about the business you are going to set up with all the documentations done, as you and your project should be presentable enough to convey that you are eligible for the loan. The most important that you have to keep in mind is that bank and government will grant you loan only if you are capable to pay the money back on installments, so always make sure to start your business on small scale, so that afford the loan installments and even can grow and expand your setup without a much pressure on you and your company.

Justin Floyd
Justin Floyd

Justin Floyd says that a brand can be made viral in various ways. But a few selected ways can give your brand a boost towards extraordinary growth and business development. The essence behind making a brand viral in a productive way is to implement the technique of organic branding such strategies can be adopted at universal level and utilized by any kind of business entity whether it is a start-up firm, an entrepreneurship or a large organizational group. Justin further says that your advertisements, promotions, sales pitch must be towards engaging the feelings of customers instead of being informative about the features and specifications of the product only. Talking about emotions creates a space in subconscious of the customers which generates recall value Justin Floyd says people are not interested in who you are, they are interested I how do you make them feel. They don’t care about how much you know; they know much you care. If your advertisement contains a socially responsible story, then it will create a recall value in the mind of the customers. Buying behavior of customers is influenced by emotion and not by logic. By having a socially responsible story a brand can go viral without any extra expense.

Justin Floyd says that you should shortlist the emotions that perfectly associates with your sales order to grab the attention of the customer, there are two tips Floyd gives to consider herewith are power of testimonials of social proof and unexpected extreme delightful surprise. Adopting these two tricks can lead to a lift in brand building. By identifying and overemphasizing the hidden fears of your customers you can engage them with your products. By highlighting the insecurities and fears make the customers feel that their problems will be solved only by buying your products.

Thank you so much Justin Floyd and his company JCF Capital Advisors for guiding people that by incorporating any of the above mentioned strategies, a startup can give an uplift to its brand image and business in long.

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